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Specialty Braces & Stabilizers

Thumb Stabilizers

Provides firm, comfortable support for sufferers of degenerative thumb conditions due to strain, joint overuse, repetitive tasks, arthritis and sports injuries


Product Description
  • Provides firm, comfortable support for sufferers of degenerative thumb conditions due to strain, joint overuse, repetitive tasks, arthritis and sports injuries
  • Helps to relieve sore, aching or weak thumbs
  • Unique design stabilizes thumb joints while allowing free movement of remaining fingers
  • Removable metal insert allows for different levels of support
  • Soft, breathable material provides compression and warmth and ensures comfort for all-day use
  • Adjustable Velcro brand fastener allows for easy application and a personalized fit
  • Made of washable nylon, polyester, urethane foam and spandex
  • Interchangeable for right and left hands
  • Sizing: 5.1 - 6.4 cm (2" - 2-1/2") around thumb and 12.7 - 17.8 cm (5" - 7") around wrist (select size based upon measurement around thumb knuckle first, then wrist; select most comfortable size for thumb)

Item Number: 08659
Futuro Thumb Stabilizer - Small/Medium

Item Number: 08660
Futuro Thumb Stabilizer - Large/Extra-Large

Sizing: 6.4 - 7.6 cm (2-1/2" - 3") around thumb and 17.8 - 22.9 cm (7" - 9") around wrist (select size based upon measurement around thumb knuckle first, then wrist; select most comfortable size for thumb)

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