Our Products

Packaging Tape

Filament Strapping, Industrial grade

Medium duty strapping, packaging, bundling and palletizing


GS 501

175 lbs/in tensile
Industrial grade
Cast polypropylene film
Fiberglass reinforced
Synthetic rubber/resin hot melt adhesive
Medium duty strapping, packaging, bundling and palletizing. Resistant to moisture and solvents. Excellent adhesion and aggressive tack. Backing resists splitting and cracking. Large diameter filament for added tensile strength.


> Industrial
> Medium duty strapping
> Packaging
> Bundling
> Palletizing
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  Standard Metric ASTM Test Method
Tensile Strength 175  lbs/in width 306.5  N/10 mm D 3759
D 3759M
Adhesion to Stainless Steel 75  oz/in width 8.21  N/10 mm D 3330
D 3330M
Thickness 5.4  mils 0.14  mm D 3652
D 3652M
Elongation 3.7  % 3.7  % D 3759
D 3759M
Service Temperature Min -10  Â°F -23  Â°C N/A
Service Temperature Max 150  Â°F 66  Â°C N/A
Adhesion to Kraft 36  oz/in width 3.88  N/10 mm D 3330
D 3330M

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