Our Products

Packaging Tape

Filament Strapping, High Performance grade

Heavy duty closing, strapping, packaging, bundling, unitizing and palletizing and L-Clip applications


GS 521

300 lbs/in tensile
High Performance grade
Cast polypropylene film
Fiberglass reinforced
Synthetic rubber/resin hot melt adhesive
Premium performance. High tensile strength for maximum security. Heavy duty closing, strapping, packaging, bundling, unitizing and palletizing and L-Clip applications. Excellent adhesion and aggressive tack. Backing resists splitting and cracking.


> Industrial
> Heavy duty closing
> Strapping
> Packaging
> Bundling
> Unitizing
> Palletizing
Click To Open Available Sizes Chart
  Standard Metric ASTM Test Method
Tensile Strength 300  lbs/in width 525.4  N/10 mm D 3759
D 3759M
Adhesion to Stainless Steel 70  oz/in width 7.66  N/10 mm D 3330
D 3330M
Thickness 6.6  mils 0.17  mm D 3652
D 3652M
Elongation 3.6  % 3.6  % D 3759
D 3759M
Service Temperature Min -10  Â°F -23  Â°C N/A
Service Temperature Max 150  Â°F 66  Â°C N/A
Adhesion to Kraft 37  oz/in width 3.99  N/10 mm D 3330
D 3330M

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